Feinstein School of Humanities, Arts and Education


  • 95%
    Placement Last Three Years

    Through the years, 我们的毕业生总是在毕业后的六个月内找到成功的工作或研究生院.

  • 80%
    Graduate with More Than a Single Major

    At RWU, 我们鼓励结合你的激情-我们的课程允许你有额外的主修和/或辅修的空间, 是什么给了你技能和丰富的经验,让你走向成功.

  • 100%
    Real-World Experience

    我们的学生从实习中获得雇主想要的经验, research programs, and hands-on projects unique to each major.

Students conversing in classroom.

Academic Programs

SHAE为本科生和研究生提供广泛的学位选择. Our programs combine theory with practice, 培养全面发展的学生,使他们具备在工作或未来学习中取得成功的技能.

Explore the Academic Programs
Student teacher in classroom.


Encompassing the humanities, digital design, education, and history, our departments carry on the great tradition of liberal arts colleges. 每个系都强调基于项目的学习经验和关键技能的发展,以便为学生的终身成功做好准备.

Explore the Departments
Professor at the front of a classroom.

Faculty and Staff

我们经验丰富的学者和从业人员发展个人, meaningful relationships with students. 无论是在课堂内还是课堂外,他们都直接参与到教育学生的各个方面. 

Meet the Faculty and Staff
Back of shirt at protest.

SHAE - a place of affirmation, belonging, and celebration

SHAE的核心是对学生归属感和学业成功的承诺. 我们提供突出学生想象力的空间和项目, passion, and skill development. 在这个时代,满足学生的需求,让他们朝着自己选择的方向前进,是一种真正需要的社会正义行为.

This is the #SHAEAdvantage.

In SHAE, we use our strengths as readers, writers, and thinkers, as artists and educators, to redress past wrongs and envision possible futures. Our students, faculty, 工作人员欢迎并肯定所有在我们的教室和参与空间学习的人. 我们承认,从历史上看,我们的学科参与了文化抹除, educational violence, and the preservation of privilege.  In SHAE, 我们致力于建立一种反种族主义和跨领域包容的文化,在这种文化中,我们致力于恢复力和增长.


The Feinstein School of Humanities, Arts, 和教育(SHAE)承认并庆祝我们的学生属于LGBTQ+的身份. Continuously, we strive to learn about these identities that are not fixed, but rather forever evolving, just as our students evolve in their respective areas of study. 我们努力在整个课程中嵌入公平和理解,以便任何身份的学生都能在课堂内外感到舒适. SHAE希望与所有成员学习和联系,以便我们所有人都能茁壮成长. 

SHAE's purpose is to use the histories, philosophies, and literatures of the past to forge a better future for all students, faculty, and staff. 我们努力支持那些受压迫的人,与那些感觉自己一直被告知要做自己不是的人站在一起. We shall work to create a platform for every student to use their voice, one that celebrates a better educational experience. 人文学科是RWU教育的核心,归属感是SHAE的核心.

-Matthew J. Milotakis 
English Literature and Cultural Studies Double Major, ‘25

Headshot of Abigail Higgins

A Deeper Understanding Through First-hand Experience

Abigail Higgins, RWU Class of 2020
Elementary Education

大多数大学项目的教师候选人直到大四才有广泛的教师监督的K-12课堂时间. As a sophomore, 由于RWU新的小学教师实习模式,小学教育专业的Abigail Higgins打破了这种模式.

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