Security & Safety Mission and Procedures

公共安全部(DPS)是大学学生生活部的一个服务部门. The Department has a Director, 3 Shift Commanders, 19 full time officers (9 of which are EMTs), an Administrative Assistant, 以及一名交通和停车经理,负责协助校园社区提供各种服务,包括执行当地的法律, state, and federal laws, as well as campus policies and regulations. DPS的使命是促进RWU学生的保护和福祉, faculty, staff and facilities. 公共安全有助于提高大学生活质量,营造一个安全与行动自由相平衡的环境, and individual rights balanced with community needs. 这一使命是通过对荣誉的核心价值观的承诺来完成的, honesty, integrity, respect, 奉献精神和最终目标是促进我们社区所有成员的安全感.

DPS officers are not sworn officers and do not possess arrest powers; however, 在校园的管辖范围内,他们有固有的权利和权力拘留涉嫌不当行为的人, 在有合理怀疑和/或可能原因的情况下搜查背包和/或校园房间和公寓. 他们可以拘留和/或约束制造混乱的人. Officers can also refuse admittance to the campus, 要求扰乱秩序或违反罗德岛法律的人离开, campus rules and regulations, or who demonstrate improper behavior. 安保部负责一天24小时监测活动, seven days a week, 一年365天在大学物业,包括布里斯托尔校区, including the School of Law, Almeida Apartments and Baypoint Residence Hall.  DPS还在上课时间为普罗维登斯校区提供安全保障.

All reports of crimes and or suspicious activity, minor or major, should be reported immediately to the DPS. The DPS is the campus liaison to the Bristol Police, 朴茨茅斯警察局和普罗维登斯警察局与包括州和联邦执法机构在内的所有执法机构密切合作. DPS成员还担任校园紧急事件的第一响应者. 这项服务的主要组成部分包括紧急医疗技术人员(emt),他们在校园应对医疗紧急情况,并获得罗德岛州的许可. DPS有9名急救医生,他们也是公共安全官员. 目前,DPS与当地警察机构没有任何书面协议或谅解备忘录.

DPS officers provide services such as access control, patrolling the campus on foot, bicycle, motor vehicles, 并设有校园正门等固定立柱. 公共安全总部配备了监控器,以便调度员监控选定地点的实况录像. DPS is also responsible for parking enforcement, 校园紧急医疗服务和交通需求.
