
RWU-NBEP partnered projects enable preservation, restoration and improvement of R.I.’s waterways, estuaries and watersheds, as well as student internships to address coastal resiliency

Jamestown, R.I., coastline.

布里斯托尔 为了保护纳拉甘西特湾, 促进环境管理, 加强沿海地区的恢复力和蓝色经济, U.S. 参议员杰克·里德和谢尔登·怀特豪斯以及美国国会议员.S. 众议员赛斯·马加齐纳今天宣布了1美元.1 million in federal funding for 罗杰威廉姆斯大学 to continue working with the 纳拉甘西特湾河口计划 (NBEP)有关沿海生态系统的问题.

联邦基金根据国家河口计划流入罗德岛, which is a network of 28 place-based organizations working to restore “estuaries of national significance” around the United States. The 纳拉甘西特湾河口计划 activates a 30-member partnership of government, academic, scientific, 以及保护组织的保护, protection, restoration, 以及纳拉甘西特湾的改善, 小纳拉甘西特湾, 罗德岛海岸池塘, 以及它们广阔的流域.

This new award brings the total granted to NBEP in FY23 to more than $2 million, 两党基础设施法案, 东南新英格兰计划(SNEP), 以及参议员怀特豪斯的《网赌的十大网站》. Senator Reed spearheaded the creation of SNEP as a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Whitehouse’s law nearly doubled the program’s authorization to $50 million per year annually for 2022 through 2026 to help protect 28 individual estuaries and watersheds in the United States.

联邦基金可用于进一步的规划, research, and outreach for programs that engage local communities on issues such as wildlife and habitat restoration, water quality, 风暴防护和海平面上升.

“The strong community partnership between 罗杰威廉姆斯大学 and the 纳拉甘西特湾河口计划 is paying dividends for our coastal communities and improving the health of our waters. I commend Senator Whitehouse for his leadership in protecting not only Narragansett Bay, 但是全国的河口和生态系统. This new funding will advance ecological research here in Rhode Island and help protect our wildlife and wetlands for years to come,里德参议员说. 

“The Ocean State’s Narragansett Bay estuary plays a major role in our economy and daily lives,怀特豪斯参议员说, 是谁每年在参议院发起国家河口周的决议.  “我努力使国家河口计划的资金增加了近一倍, 其中很大一部分将前往罗德岛保护纳拉甘西特湾.  I want to thank 罗杰威廉姆斯大学 and the 纳拉甘西特湾河口计划 for their continued partnership in keeping the Bay clean and safeguarding fragile coastal wetlands.”

“罗德岛的河口, waterways, and watersheds are part of our state’s natural heritage and we must fight to preserve these habitats for future generations to enjoy,” said Rep. 赛斯Magaziner. “这笔联邦资金将有助于保护纳拉甘西特湾, 培育健康的生态系统, 并促进沿海社区的保护工作.”

罗德岛州将自己定位为不断增长的蓝色经济中心, 罗杰威廉姆斯大学 is leading the initiatives and research that prioritize ecosystem health and coastal resiliency,RWU主席Ioannis N. Miaoulis. 在奥巴马参议员的支持下. Reed, Sen. 白宫和众议员. Magaziner, and RWU’s collaborative partnership that includes student internships to address these critical environmental and social justice issues, the 纳拉甘西特湾河口计划 will continue its important work to protect the Narragansett Bay ecosystem and improve the quality of life and natural resources for our communities.”

“联邦资金, 与我们的东道主建立了牢固的伙伴关系, 罗杰威廉姆斯大学, 赋予NBEP催化的能力, facilitate, and fund scientific inquiry and collective action to restore and protect the Narragansett Bay region’s water quality, wildlife, 和生活质量,达西·杨说, NBEP临时执行主任. “我们的工作跨越国界,传播科学, 召集利益, and fund planning for projects that will sustain natural environments and healthy communities.”

The partnership between RWU and NBEP serves as a channel for federal funding for watershed projects that help address the consequences of water pollution, 气候变化, 环境不平等. The organization seeks to bring diverse organizations together from across boundaries to build consensus around complex environmental challenges. NBEP has funded over 150 scientific studies and shared data on the health of the Bay with policymakers to ensure data-driven solutions to pressing challenges. 


  • 制定一个改善黑石河的长期计划, 它是纳拉甘西特湾的第二大支流,从伍斯特开始, Massachusetts, to Pawtucket, Rhode Island. 
  • Funding much-needed capacity in local organizations that have the agency to effect positive environmental change in underserved communities.
  • 启动山的雨水总体规划. 布里斯托尔的希望高中.
  • Documenting the positive impact of recent reductions in the discharge of nutrient pollution from wastewater treatment facilities is having on Narragansett Bay.
  • Restoring over 7,500 acres of vital habitat in the Narragansett Bay region since 2006.